1999 Annual Report on School Safety
Site presents summary information on problem behavior programs that have demonstrated effectiveness.
Action Steps for Parents
List of actions parents can do to be a part of a school’s effort to create an orderly, respectful environment.
Bully-Proof Your School
Article recognizes bullying as more than just a problem
between kids, and discusses need for schools to put forth a team effort.
Includes special links to Facts About Bullying, Beating the Bullies and
What Schools Can Do About Bullying. Discusses how bullying is learned
and the importance of teacher involvement.
Positive Behavioral Supports for Safe and Healthy Schools
An overview of some things schools can to do reinforce positive behavior patterns in children.
Recognizing Violence Warning Signs in Others
APA brochure on behavior and reasons for violence and how to recognize it.
Teens' Risky Behavior is About More Than Race and Family Resources
Article reports on a study from the University of
Minnesota that concludes school performance and extracuricular
activities could be significant factors in staving off unhealthy
behaviors. Interviews were conducted with about 12,000 white, black, and
hispanic students in grades 7-12 and their parents.